Saturday, June 27, 2009

There is something frustrating. . .

About swimming with a deaf child. I am more anxious and nervous. When Savanah has her cochlear implant off, she goes into an entirely different world. It becomes "Savnah's world" and only she can "hear" in it and "talk" in it. It is so interesting to watch, I become fascinated by this everytime we swim. She talks louder and jumps all over the place.

You can tell her to "don't run, only walk" or "don't splash those people" or "it's time to go home and we can swim tomorrow" - BUT Savanah does not hear any of that. Whatever she lip-reads is what she will take in if she wants to. She is more stubborn while swimming and being in her "world." Sometimes I think she prefers this world. It is so peaceful in her head. So quiet. And she can "hear" EXACTLY what she wants to hear.

Me on the other hand, I have become so use to this AMAZING device in her head. This device that is allowing my beautiful five year old daughter to hear everyday. This device that when it is on she gets to experience "our world" - the world of hearing. I cherish moments when she has it on. The simplest sounds that she can hear and she lets me know it. I am so at peace when it is on.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"What do you want to be when you grow up Savanah?"

Yesterday I asked Savanah what she wants to be when she grows up. She gave me a litle confused look and then I started listing off several different careers, a doctor, nurse, policeman, firefighter, artist, teaceher etc. and her response was: "NO MOM! I want to just be a mommy so I can watch TV all day." - I just had to laugh and so do all the other stay-at-home mom's out there right?!?

It is so hillarious that in the eyes of my five year old, that when she is at school all day, she thinks I just sit and watch TV. A magician must go grocery shoppng, wash her clothes, clean the house, run errands and cook for her! Some magician!

Friday, June 19, 2009

"Clean up, clean up. . . everybody, everywhere. . ."

So this child of mine, my sweet little Savanah only cleans her rooms sometimes, and when I mean sometimes, when it is asked of her. We tried a chore chart for awhile, it worked for a couple of weeks then it wore off. Either I would forget or she would forget. I tried helping her make her bed every morning and put her toys away. That just didn't last. Maybe I am too weird, everything has it's own bin. All of the dress-up goes in the green bin, all of the miscellaneous toys go in the clear bin, the babies and the barbies - pink bin - you al get the picture. So last night I let her clean her room up the way she wanted to clean it up. I wasn't in there hounding her, making sure every toy was in it's correct place, she did it the way she wanted and it looked great! But before I could take a picture of the final product, it was destroyed by Gracie!