Monday, November 21, 2011

D isn't for DOUBT, it's for DARING to do it!

To all the doubters. . .
to all the people who have heard. . . "You're child is deaf. . . so they will not be able to do this or that. . ."
"They will not read till later."
"They will do terrible in school."
"Strangers will never be able to understand them."

SAVANAH proved everyone wrong!

She is reading right along with her appropriate grade level.
She is reading chapter books.
She is doing math and understanding it. She even adds and subtracts in her head, no manipulatives needed!
She is learning about history and this week can tell you all about Thanksgiving.
About the Pilgrims and the Indians, who brought what to dinner and why we celebrate it every year.
A few weeks ago, after her science lessons, she could name all the different kinds of moons that we see in the month of October. She even explained why this happened.

She is one INCREDIBLE little girl.
She is truly a gift.
Desmond and I continue to be amazed everyday at her spunk, her intelligence and her non-stop "wanting to learn everything" attitude!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our Halloween Pirate

Savanah is not a girly girl
Not by a LONG shot.
At least I have one and she was the bride this year.
We looked high and wide for a pirate costume.
Something that was perfect for an almost 8 year old
not a 21-year old. Halloween costumes sure are turning
into things that belong in adult shops, but that's another post
for another time.

We found this costume.
It just fit Savanah's personality perfect.
She loved it and the bonus was. . . she was the only one with the costume!
Score 1 point for Mom.

I got thinking while we were out trick-or-treating
the town. . .
the reason why Savanah can say trick-or-treat,
or listen for cars coming
or hear the creepy music,
or the screams coming from other kids. . .
is because of this wonderful, most amazing device!
This cochlear implant continues to show it was the best decision
we've (her daddy and I) have ever made, next to creating Savanah!

And the reason she could say "Argh Matey's!" Well you know why! :)